Ultimate Frisbee in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada | StanleyParkVan.com  

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Ultimate Frisbee in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ultimate Frisbee in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ultimate Frisbee in Stanley Park

Ultimate Frisbee is played occasionally in Stanley Park on the Brockton Oval grass field.

Ultimate frisbee is commonly called just 'Ultimate'.

Ultimate frisbee is a non-contact sport where teams of players throw a frisbee among themselves with the goal of passing to a team-mate over the opposing team's goal line.  Incomplete, intercepted, or out of bounds passes result in turnovers.  Ultimate requires players to run a lot and to be able to accurately throw a frisbee!  There are many local, provincial, national, and international events.

To find out more about Ultimate Frisbee in Vancouver go to: Vancouver Ulimate League

To find out more about Ultimate Frisbee in British Columbia go to: British Columbia Ultimate Society

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