- The most information about Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada
K'Ayacht'n! Environmental Art honours the land and all that provides.
Davide Pan and T'Uy'Tanat Cease Wyss
K'aycht'n (We Hold Our hands Up to You!), 2009
This work honours the land and all that it provides. Huy Chexw A, Siyam and Siya! We have taken materials from throughout the island and we hold our hands up, we honour what the earth has to share with us! Huy Chexw A!
This work is part of the Stanley Park Environmental Art Project. Six artists have created works of art employing environmental art practices, using only natural materials and with consideration for the plants and animals of the park. Please respect the ecological sensitivity of this area by enjoying the art work from the path.
More information on the Stanley Park Environmental Project is available at:
Project Partners: Vancouver board of Parks and Recreation, Stanley Park Ecology Society, Community Arts Council of Vancouver
Project Funders: Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council, Vancouver Foundation, City of Vancouver, the Province of British Columbia and 2010 Legacies Now, the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian Visual and Expressive Arts Programs.
K'Ayacht'n! Environmental Art is located on the east side of the service road just east of the Totem Poles and Portuguese Joe Statue on Brockton Point.
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