- The most information about Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Burrard Street Bridge is one of the major bridges in the city of Vancouver. Burrard Street runs over the bridge.
art deco style, bicycle lane, major changes to north side coming, suicide prevention barriers controversy
Finally, after years of construction on the bridge and Burrard Street, the city has completed major changes to the Burrard Street bridge including putting up suicide fences and reworking the Pacific Ave and Burrard St intersection for cars and bicycles. Hopefully, traffic will be better now that all the construction has been completed!
As part of the renovations, replica historic lamp standards and sconces were added to the bridge. The braziers on the bridge were designed to remind of those used for warmth by soldiers in the First World War. A bronze plaque recognizing the service of Canadians in wars and peacekeeping missions has been added.
The Burrard Street Bridge crosses False Creek. Obviously, Burrard Street runs over the bridge.
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