- Everything you need to know about visiting Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada!
There are a number of activities for children to do in Stanley Park. Here are a list of some of them.
The Variety Kids Water Park is a free water park with many water features that children can play in and around. It is only open during the summer months and is very popular.
There are actually many children's playgrounds in Stanley Park. These have elaborate and interesting things for children to play on. There is even an old fire engine at one of the main playgrounds!
During one of the big windstorms that swept through Stanley Park, an old craggly tree fell over. Since then, it has become a favourite of children to climb on!
The Stanley Park Ecology Society has a Nature House on Lost Lagoon that has exhibits that are fun for children to see. It also hosts programs for children in Stanley Park.
The Vancouver Aquarium is a hugely popular attraction with the children. You can easily spend a half day to a full day exploring the aquarium, seeing the fish and mammals, and watching the shows.
There is a miniature train ride that operates at various times during the year with themes. Depending on the time of year, it operates with an Easter, Urban Forest, Halloween, and Christmas themes. For Halloween, they have actors who do a show for the train riders during the evenings!
During the summer there are movies shown at Ceperley Park in Stanley Park.