Vancouver Pioneers' Association Cairn and Plaque in Stanley Park |  - The most information about Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Vancouver Pioneers' Association Cairn and Plaque

Arbour in the Rose Garden
Arbour in the Rose Garden

In the Rose garden in Stanley Park there is an arbour and cairn in the middle of the arbour.

cairn and plaque in the arbour at the Rose Garden in Stanley Park
cairn and plaque in the arbour at the Rose Garden in Stanley Park

Little known is that there is a cairn in Stanley Park that contains "historic Vancouver memorabilia" that is set to be opened in 2093, one hundred years after it was placed in the cairn!

Vancouver Pioneers' Association Centenary plaque
Vancouver Pioneers' Association Centenary plaque

The plaque says:

1893 * 1993

To commemorate the occasion of the

Vancouver Pioneers' Association Centenary

This rose arbour and cairn are dedicated to the memory of all Vancouver pioneers.

Sincere appreciation for their generosity is extended to:

Our late pioneer member Hector F. Steele, the Vancouver Parks Board, the Provincial Government

The cairn, containing historic Vancouver memorabilia, is to be opened October 26, 2093.

Where is the Vancouver Pioneers' Association Cairn and Plaque in Stanley Park?

The Vancouver Pioneers' Association Cairn and Plaque in Stanley Park are located in the Rose Garden in Stanley Park.  It is next to the Shakespeare Garden just up Pipeline road from the traffic circle.

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