- The most information about Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Best Western Sands hotel is a 120 room hotel in the Westend of Vancouver near Stanley Park. It contains two popular restaurant/bars: The Park At English Bay and the Bayside Lounge.
We recommend this hotel because of it's location, 1/2 block, from English Bay Beach, and because it has good restaurants and bars. You can't go wrong with it because it is a Best Western hotel. Also, they have karaoke every tuesday night in The Park restaurant/bar!
Services and Amenities: room service, laundry service, complimentary high-speed internet, HDTV, hair dryers, ironing boards, coffee makers, laundry room, fitness romm, sauna, 2 in-hotel restaurants and bars.
Address: 1755 Davie Street, Vancouver, BC, V6G 1W5
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-661-7887
Local Phone: 604-682-1831
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