- The most information about Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Ocean Wise (Waterfall) Cafe restaurant is a casual restaurant that is attached to the Vancouver Aquarium. You can access it from outside of the Aquarium. During the summer, the patio is a nice cool place to sit and eat.
No admission to the Aquarium is required to come to the cafe. The cafe serves lunch, ice cream, coffee, and more. Purchases at this cafe help to support the Aquarium's mission.
Address: 845 Avison Way, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6G 3E2
Hours: 9am to 3pm (spring hours)
Website: Waterfall Cafe
Parking: There is a large parking lot at the Aquarium. Note that all parking in Stanley Park is pay parking!
The Ocean Wise (Waterfall) cafe is located at the Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park.
Stanley Park Tour
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