Francis Willard Bush and Plaque in Stanley Park |  - The most information about Stanley Park in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Francis E. Willard Bush and Plaque

Francis Willard Bush and Plaque in Stanley Park
Francis Willard Bush and Plaque in Stanley Park

The Francis Willard camellia Bush and Plaque...

Francis Willard Bush Plaque
Francis Willard Plaque

The plaque says:

Commemorating the Centennary of

Francis E. Willard

Planted September 28th 1939 -- by

The Womans Christian Temperance Union of Vancouver District

Where are the Francis Willard Bush and Plaque in Stanley Park?

The Francis Willard Bush and Plaque are located in the Rock Garden.  Nearby is the Stanley Park Pavilion and President Harding Memorial.

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