Great Blue Herons in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada |  - Everything you need to know about visiting Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada!

Great Blue Herons in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Great Blue Heron at Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Herons are an endangered bird species that have a colony in Stanley Park.

Stanley Park has a signicant population of Great Blue Herons.  Their main nesting area is a tree stand literally steps from the high rises of the west end of the city of Vancouver.

The Great Blue Herons were first noted in Stanley Park in 1921 when they nested near Brockton Point.  They have had various nesting sites over the years, typically moving sites about every 20 years.

Great Blue Heron nests in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Herons have a wingspan of about 167cm to 201cm.

The Great Blue Herons normally arrive at their nesting area around March each year.  In April is a period of courtship among the herons.  May is characterized by egg laying and incubation.  By June, they are rearing their chicks.  In July, the fledglings are starting to fly.

The trees in the stand are protected with a metal band around them to prevent predators such as racoons from climbing the trees.  Eagles are predators of the herons and do kill some.  The herons have found that massing in the area of a few eagles has a lower casualty rate then spreading out to the territories of many eagles.

The Vancouver Parks Board has a web cam on a neighbouring apartment building pointed at some trees with heron nests.  You can now see herons born and raised in their nests.  It is a high definition camera so you can see the Herons in great detail.  The Heron Cam is located at: Heron cam

If you are visiting Stanley Park, be sure to look for these beautiful birds!

Great Blue Heron Videos

Great Blue Herons Photos

Great Blue Heron in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Great Blue Heron nests in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Great Blue Heron in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Where can you see the Great Blue Herons in Stanley Park?

The Great Blue Herons can be at a number of places in Stanley Park.  You can see them at their nesting area near the Vancouver Parks Board Office and the Tennis Courts near the Beach Avenue entrance to Stanley Park.  They are normally up in high trees in this area.

Additionally, the Great Blue Herons can be frequently seen on the waters edge fishing along English Bay, Lost Lagoon, and the Duck Pond in Ceperley Meadow.

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