Coyotes in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada |  - Everything you need to know about visiting Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada!

Coyotes in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Coyote in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada

There are a number of Coyotes that live in Stanley Park.

Latest Coyote Updates:

  • September 21, 2024: It is 'pup dispersal season' now so the coyotes born this spring are leaving their famililes and trying to establish their own territory.  So, it is more likely that you will see a coyote in Stanley Park at this time.  Please keep your small dogs on a leash and watch your very young children!

Typically, you won't encounter coyotes when in the most popular areas of Stanley Park because they tend to avoid people.  However, if you inside Stanley Park on the trails, you will be more likely to encounter them.

During the late spring time that Coyotes are raising their pups, Coyotes are more active during the day and are especially worried about passing dogs.  Some trails in Stanley Park will be closed during this time because the coyotes will be especially protective of their young.

During the early fall time the coyotes born in the spring will start leaving their families to establish their own territories so coyotes will be more visible.

Coyotes are also known to snatch small dogs, even if leashed.  So, keep your dogs close by you and watch out for coyotes.

In 2021, there were significantly more sightings and incidents where the coyotes have bitten people and attacked dogs.  This was due to the Covid pandemic during which they expanded their territory.  Also, the increased human interaction was likely due to someone feeding the coyotes.

Encounters with aggressive coyotes can be reported to 1-877-952-7277.  Below we have information on what to do when approached by a coyote.

The Stanley Park Ecology Society keeps track of reported Coyote sightings and incidents.  They plot these on a map.  Go to their website for information on how to report a sighting, pet attack, person attack, injured/sick coyote, coyote that is aggressive to people, coyote feeding, or dead coyote.

Someone has even set up "The Stanley Park Coyote" twitter account.  It occasionally has some funny tweets such as "Get outta my park hoomans.U in my territory i bite u."

Coyote Photos

Coyote in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Coyote in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Coyote in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Where can you see coyotes in Stanley Park?

Coyotes are all over Stanley Park.  They are most active in the area from Lost Lagoon through Second Beach up through Third Beach.  Also, they are very active at Brockton Point.  They also go on the Stanley Park Seawall which is where most of their bitings have taken place.

What to do when you encounter a coyote?

If you are approached by a Coyote, do not run, stop and face it, wave your arms to make yourself look big, and yell at the Coyote to go away.  Make as much noise as possible until they go away!

Why you should NOT feed the coyotes?

You should not feed the coyotes because it habitualizes them to humans.  They will then approach humans wanting food.  If this happens too much, someone or someone's dog will get hurt and the coyotes will have to be put down.

When are the coyotes most active in Stanley Park?

Coyotes are most active at dawn and dusk.  Also, they are also active (and protective) during the period when they have their pups in the spring.

Past Coyote Updates

  • May 23, 2023 Update: Coyote sightings are way down.  But please be aware that there are still coyotes in Stanley Park.
  • May 4, 2022 Update: Reservoir Trail and parts of Eagle and Hanson trails have been closed due to Coyote breeding season.
  • March 16, 2022 Update: It's coyote breeding season so coyotes will be out during the days.  Please know what to do when you encounter a coyote(see below).
  • September 28, 2021 Update: The Vancouver Parks Board has voted in favour of a $500 fine for anyone caught feeding wild animals in Vancouver city's parks.
  • September 22, 2021 Update: Stanley Park has re-opened 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.  There still may be a few coyotes in the park so keep your guard up.  Also, there have been some fines given out to people feeding the coyotes.
  • See below for Past Coyote Updates
  • September 03, 2021 Update: Stanley Park will now be closed from 7pm to 9am due to the coyote situation.  Fences have been set up to help control access to the park.  The Ministry of Forests has decided to trap and euthanize up to 35 coyotes in Stanley Park.  There were a few more coyote encounters some that involved children and a swarming.  There will be fines for anyone caught feeding wildlife in the park.
  • August 31, 2021 Update: Stanley Park will now be closed from 7pm to 7am due to the coyote attacks.  It has been reported that people have been feeding the coyotes in order to get photos of them.  Please do NOT feed the animals in the park.
  • August 30, 2021 Update: At 5:30am, a man was bitten on the seawall near Second Beach.  Please be aware that coyotes are most active early in the morning and at night!
  • August 27, 2021 Update: Two coyote incidents today.  Around 6am, a runner was bitten near Lost Lagoon.  Around 9pm, a man was bitten on the seawall near the Lions Gate Bridge.
  • August 19, 2021 Update: A man was bitten by a coyote on a trail near Second Beach at 9:30pm on Tuesday night.  Another example of someone in the trails late at night.
  • August 18, 2021 Update: Two people picnicing were bitten by a coyote at 1:30am on Monday in the south part of Stanley Park.  What were people doing having a picnic at 1:30am when there are coyote warnings?  Please be careful at night and at dawn!
  • August 14, 2021 Update: A man was bitten on the leg by a coyote while walking on a path near the Stanley Park Pitch and Putt Golf course about 9pm last night (Friday).  I really hope this wasn't done by my favourite golf course coyote!
  • August 12, 2021 Update: A jogger was bitten by a coyote on Bridal Path Trail near Propect Point last night.  We recommend that you avoid the trails especially near Prospect Point.  Most trails on the west side of Stanley Park have been closed.  Keep dogs on leash also recommended.
  • August 11, 2021 Update: A child was bitten by a coyote near Propect Point at 9:30pm last night.  Please be careful at night and at dawn!
  • August 1, 2021 Update: A woman bit by a coyote from behind while walking on a trail near the Nine O'Clock Gun around 10pm on July 31, 2021.  Conservation officers are searching for the coyote.
  • July 24, 2021 Update: A man was attacked by a coyote on a trail between the Vancouver Aquarium and Brockton Oval.  These trails are now closed.
  • July 23, 2021 Update: A woman jogger was bit by a coyote on the seawall around 9:30pm on Wednesday July 21.
  • July 15, 2021 Update: Due to the latest coyote attack on a child, the entire west side of the park west of Pipeline Road and Lost Lagoon has been closed.  The seawall remains open so you can still go to Third Beach.  Unfortunately, 4 coyotes have been euthanized.
  • July 14, 2021 Update: A 2 year old was bitten by a coyote near the Vancouver Aquarium on Monday night.  The father came to the child's rescue and the coyote retreated.  This was the 31st reported attack this year.
  • July 8, 2021 Update: 3 people were bitten by coyotes this week.  A man was bitten at the Prospect Point Picnic Area.  Close by on the road, a runner and a person who helped him were bitten.  Some of the area and trails around Prospect Point have been closed while conservation officers look for the coyote.
  • June 28, 2021 Update: Coyotes have been spotted in the West End near Harwood St and Jervis St. during the evening.
  • June 23, 2021 Update: No Coyotes bites reported in the past week.
  • June 15, 2021 Update: No Coyotes bites reported in the past week.
  • June 9, 2021 Update: There was a reported bite near the Totem Poles at Brockton Point.
  • June 2, 2021 Update: No Coyotes bites reported in the past week.
  • pre June 2, 2021 Update: Coyotes bites were reported north of the Hollow Tree, on the Stanley Park Seawall and Stanley Park drive.
  • June 2021 Update: Some Trails in Stanley Park have been closed because the Coyotes are likely raising their pups and are overly protective.
  • May 2021 Update: There have been numerous report of coyotes biting people this month.
  • January 2021 Update: 2 coyotes were captured and euthanized due to biting incidents.

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