- Everything you need to know about visiting Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada!
The Kakaso'Las Totem Pole is a very unique totem pole at Stanley Park. It was carved by Ellen Neel, who was a pioneer carver. It is also one of the most colourful and beautiful totem poles at Stanley Park.
This plaque says:
KWAKWAKA'WAKW CARVER ELLEN NEEL AND HER UNCLE Mungo Martin were among the first artists to achieve wide recognition for their totem poles commissioned by museums, cities, and art collectors. Neel was also the first woman to become a Northwest Coast carver. This pole was completed in 1955 for Woodward's Department Store.
In memory of Neel's pioneering role in reaching an international audience through her art, the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology has loaned this pole to Stanley Park.
The photo caption says: Ellen Neel (second from left) working with her family at Stanley Park in 1955.
The totem pole has a Sea bear holding a killer whale at the top, then a Man below, then a Frog below that, then a Bak'was:"wildman of the woods" below that, then a Dzunukwa: a giantess below that, then a Raven below that.
The Kakaso'Las Totem Pole is located with many other Totem Poles in a display area at Brockton Point in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, Canada.